Call for Expression of Interest
Post-doc positions at Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche "G.L. Lagrange", Politecnico di Torino
Who we are
Politecnico di Torino is a major Engineering and Architecture School located in Torino, North-West Italy, close to the Alps. Torino is a large city (900. 000 dwellers) and an important business and cultural center. Politecnico di Torino is one of the most prestigious Italian Universities, and it ranks 33rd in the area of Engineering according to the last QS World University Ranking.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) at Politecnico di Torino has been awarded the title of Department of Excellence 2018-2022 from the Italian Ministry of education, University and Research (MIUR). Consequently, it has received a large grant to pursue a scientific project.
What we expect from applicantsApplicants should own some expertise and genuine scientific interest in one of the four central themes of the project:
- T1. Resilient control for network systems;
- T2. Nested mathematical models in biomedicine
- T3. Numerical methods for models with high geometric complexity;
- T4. Approximation and statistical inference in random reaction (and interaction) networks.
Some experience in teaching is welcome, but not strictly required. Interdisciplinarity, motivations to work on the themes of the project and a certain degree of scientific independence will be highly valued. Researchers that do not yet fullfill the requirements above are nonetheless encouraged to express their interest; the board will possibly consider their profile for future initiatives.
ProcedureApplicants should express their interest by sending an email to hiring.disma@polito.it including:
- a motivation letter;
- a curriculum vitae;
- a list of publications;
- the name of two academic referees, including their affiliation and contact information, to which our Department can ask a confidential reference letter.
This call is a preliminary stage aimed to collect expressions of interest, and it is not a formal opening for positions. On the basis of the collected EoIs, the Department will decide whether or not to open a position in a specific sub-discipline. Post-doc positions in Italy can only be awarded through a public competition. The DISMA will contact the selected applicants to inform them about the formal opening of the positions and the related procedure.