Short Term Junior Visiting Research Program
The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) at Politecnico di Torino is glad to welcome young talented Post-doctoral researchers and PhD students willing to actively participate in the Excellence Project, for a period between two and eight weeks.
Visitors will be engaged in research activities with our faculty members, and they will have the opportunity to audit seminars and courses.
This visiting program is reserved to PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers who have defended their thesis after the 1st August 2012.
Applicants will be selected for the matching of their research with one of the four central themes of the Project and with the scientific activities scheduled during the visiting period, their background and scholarly achievements.
Candidates should express their interest by sending an email to hiring.disma@polito.it including:
- a motivation letter including a research project (up to 5000 char), highlighting the selected Project theme and the preferred timing;
- a curriculum vitae;
- a reference letter.
Applications are received through continuous submission and evaluated once per month.
The Department may support selected candidates covering documented expenses of travel and accommodation, up to 250 Euros per week.